Volume 2 FAQ
97 Total Items
Question Volume 2
I need advice on what to do. I am not feeling well and I am on VIP so I stopped the medication. I then deteriorated with worse brain fog and hip pain. I decided to start treating for Bartonella without confirmation of infection. I got much worse blaming my problems on a Herxheimer reaction. I then decided to go back on VIP, stopping the Herxheimer immediately. Please comment.
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Question Volume 2
If I have black mold sickness does it ever go away?
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Question Volume 2
A physician writes, I have a slender, white female who has been exposed to a crawl space with a musty smell for seven years. She removed herself from exposure and maintains a modicum of improvement but is still affected. She is checking ERMI to assess whether her current home is contaminated or not. She has some lab abnormalities that arouse concern in me. Her HLA is 13-5-52C. MSH is 8. VIP is 30 (not specified Quest vs. LabCorp; always use Quest). VEGF is dead low at <31, TGF beta-1 is 6,797 and C4a is 16,000. ADH is 58.5 and osmolality is 293. One ACTH is reported at 109, with cortisol of 17.3. (1) Would I start cholestyramine or Welchol on this sensitive patient while this patient’s home is still in remediation? (2) Can you explain why the ADH is so high given the osmolality? (3) What about the increased ACTH of 109 for a given cortisol of 17.3. Does this person have an ACTH-producing tumor? (4) The patient has very low C3a. Is that of concern? (5) Is the low MMP-9 of concern (her value is 47).
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Question Volume 2
What does a measurement of urinary levels of mycotoxins tell me?
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Question Volume 2
I have had a flare up of colitis that followed an appearance of a rash on my leg. I have been diagnosed as having vasculitis. I am still in treatment (for over a year) for my mold illness. Could this infection of blood vessel walls be caused by CIRS?
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Question Volume 2
Can VCS abnormalities be induced by the antigen/inflammation without evoking neurotoxins?
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Question Volume 2
I am ill from working in the basement of a water-damaged building. My colleague works along side me and has significant hair loss and severe neck pain. Her VCS test is normal. Should she be worried about CIRS?
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Question Volume 2
Were the base line labs of patients in the VIP study similar to an untreated CIRS patient?
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Question Volume 2
I have stopped my VIP and my shortness of breath came back rapidly. I had been on VIP for approximately 8 months with great benefit. I have restarted VIP. How quickly will VIP replacement begin to improve labs that have deteriorated off the VIP?
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Question Volume 2
Is there benefit in using VIP even though the measured level is in normal range?
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Question Volume 2
Were patients in the VIP study given a chance to do multiple DNA QPCR tests to validate test reliability?
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Question Volume 2
There has been some questioning about the accuracy about VIP at LabCorp. Please comment.
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Question Volume 2
Can you discuss VIP treatment protocol including test dose, typical length of treatment and end point criteria.
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Question Volume 2
In the VIP study were patients treated with VIP initially or were they treated as all other patients by the ten previous steps of the protocol?
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Question Volume 2
What vitamins do CSM and welchol bind to?
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Question Volume 2
If a patient with CIRS is losing weight, is that due to enhanced release of toxins from fat cells?
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Question Volume 2
If I stop the Welchol and only take it as needed will I get the massive inflammation that I got when I started CSM (because of the Lyme)?
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