Volume 3 FAQ
47 Total Items
Question Volume 3
I have suffered severe hair loss as what I think is due to the “ochratoxin dance” in my body. What supplements can I take to control hair loss?
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Question Volume 3
I tested positive for Candida from labs done by Immunolabs. I am now gluten free and doing much better. Is sensitivity to Candida part of CIRS?
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Question Volume 3
None of my doctors here in Houston know how to interpret my HLA. I have one copy of DRB-1-12, one copy of DQ3 and one copy of DRB3-52B. Please interpret.
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Question Volume 3
I have received my HLA haplotype and I find that I am a 1-5. The Rosetta Stone in Surviving Mold says this means low MSH. Please elaborate.
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Question Volume 3
After being treated for positive nasal cultures my most recent nasal culture from DLM negative but they noted a small amount of mold-like fungi. Is there any significance to this finding?
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Question Volume 3
How do I estimate costs of treatment to include these costs in a demand letter to a (moldy) building association? I have been ill for 40 years. Similarly, how do I estimate costs for coaching from Patti Schmidt as I have severe mold-related, post traumatic stress disorder?
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Question Volume 3
For several years I have had very painful nodules break out on my tongue almost every day. Could this be from mold infection? My hard palate occasionally swells and my front teeth ache.
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Question Volume 3
I was treated with doxycycline prophylaxis for two weeks following a tick bite. I then had exposure to a water-damaged home several days later which resulted in a rapid recurrence of my health symptoms. The symptoms were identical with what I felt with Lyme. Could being in a mold damaged building cause these symptoms? Please note I am back on doxycycline for nine weeks with no improvement. All tests for Lyme and co-infections are negative.
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Question Volume 3
Before my family bought our dream home in 2010 I was super healthily. I ran marathons and would backpack at least one week every year. Shortly after moving into our home I developed multiple health symptoms with achy joints, headaches, rashes and more that resulted in two cervical fusion surgeries. Neither one helped me. My two daughters developed multiple health symptoms as well. In 2012, a mold inspection confirmed presence of a water-damaged building. I was treated in Santa Barbara, California without benefit. I have since become disabled despite moving three times in six months. Please provide assistance.
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Question Volume 3
A physician has a family exposed to mold who have significant health effects including sensitivity to chemical smells. Once the treatment protocol is completed, will the chemical sensitivity be eliminated?
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Question Volume 3
General speaking, what causes symptoms, is your bodies inability to clear toxins or is it your own immune system fighting itself that causes symptoms?
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Question Volume 3
I am suffering from chronic fatigue for one year and have been diagnosed as having reactivation of Epstein Barr virus. Will your program help fix viral illnesses?
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Question Volume 3
What changes occur in visual contrast with increasing age?
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Question Volume 3
I have used xylitol with benefit. My culture is negative now and I no longer have crusts in my nose.
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Question Volume 3
I have been following your protocols including use of VIP for the past 8 months. The ERMI in my home has been corrected. My Lyme and co]infections have all been treated. My MSH remains low. What can I do?
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Question Volume 3
I am having trouble obtaining a NeuroQuant in Florida. The only NeuroQuant available to me is one in Georgia with a 1.5 Tesla machine. Is that result going to be the same as what I obtained from a 3 Tesla machine?
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Question Volume 3
I have sought treatment over the past three years for progressive cognitive decline associated with new appearance of demyelinating lesions in my brain. These symptoms and abnormalities in MRI appeared after I moved into a different office. I am told that a sticky “mold substance” is present that is harming me. What is your experience with patients such as me?
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Question Volume 3
Do CSM and Welchol bind the exotoxins of MARCoNS?
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Question Volume 3
My son is 3 years old with fatigue and developmental delays. He has an elevated level of TGF beta-1 of 6,640. Are there other illnesses that can cause this elevation?
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Question Volume 3
Can you provide an update on the possible availability of MSH?
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