Online NeuroQuant Analysis - Now Available
Surviving Mold announces a new service, automated reading of NeuroQuant. In the seven years that I have advocated use of NeuroQuant as a diagnostic parameter as well as a parameter that shows response to treatment, we have seen an evolution of how NeuroQuant reports are generated. With over 500 physicians having pooled NeuroQuant data, we have the most up to date, age-related scoring system available. Our system is based on comparison of CIRS cases to CIRS controls.
Based on data generated from over 2000 NeuroQuant scans, we know that there are certain changes seen with CIRS-WDB as well as CIRS-Post Lyme Syndrome. These results have been peer-reviewed. We also know that gray matter nuclear atrophy can begin as early as the teenage years and progresses over time. In some case, gray matter nuclear atrophy is variously related to presence of MARCoNS or is a warning of a possible pre-senile dementia to come. It is a focus on age-related atrophy of multiple gray matter nuclei that distinguishes our automated report.
Because nuclear volumes change with age, the brain area volumes seen in a 22-year-old are different from what we use for a 62-year-old. Readings must control for age changes!
To use our NeuroQuant service, simply enter the volumetric data (“% ICV”) for each of the areas of the brain listed, either left hemisphere or right hemisphere. The data will be analyzed for “mold” points, “Lyme” points, asymmetry, possible traumatic brain injury and multi-nuclear atrophy. We emphasize the importance of looking at enlargement of lateral ventricle as well.
You will receive a pdf report suitable for printing and sharing with your attending physicians. The cost of this service is $25.
By purchasing these tests you acknowledge you have read the following disclaimer:
This analysis DOES NOT include or replace the NeuroQuant test and only provides analysis of NeuroQuant results. You must have a NeuroQuant General Morphometry Report to complete this analysis.
Purchase NeuroQuant Analysis Now