4 Total Items
Question Volume 1
I have 3 patients with HLA 17-2-52B that seem to have biotoxin illness. Is this considered the same as 17-2-52A? Also, can I assume in a post Lyme patient who has biotoxin illness and is homozygous for just the post-Lyme genotype (15-6-51) that mold is not part of the problem? Is the genotype that specific? Or do we still have to check the ERMI, etc.?
Yes, HLA 17-2-52B and 52A are equivalent. No one can not assume that absence of the mold susceptible genotype rules out mold illness. As MSH falls, the role of mold as a sequential problem of post Lyme patients must be always considered. ERMI testing remains mandatory. We have looked at the per cent of non-HLA susceptible patients with confirmed mold illness. It runs about 5%.Question Volume 1
Would the basic screening labs for adults be the list of labs mentioned on your webpage: "Secrets of Survival"?
Yes, HLA typing, C4a (Not LabCorp), TGF beta-1, MSH (Not Quest), VIP (Not LabCorp), MMP-9, Leptin, ADH/Osmolality, ACTH/Cortisol, ACLA IgG/IgA/IgM, AGA IgA/IgG, VEGF, von Willebrand’s profile (not LabCorp). Be sure to include the CD4+CD25++CD127 lo/- assay as well. In a few days we hope to hear good news from the Institutional Review Board regarding our genomics testing (after 5 years of development!), so it is possible that we will be bringing the genomics testing to clinical use. If so, then a PAXgene tube will be added as well. Stay tuned on this one.Question Volume 3
None of my doctors here in Houston know how to interpret my HLA. I have one copy of DRB-1-12, one copy of DQ3 and one copy of DRB3-52B. Please interpret.
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Question Volume 3
My HLA is 1‐5 and 17‐2‐52B. It does not fit any row of your Rosetta Stone. I feel that I have been exposed to mold with an illness that is 3 years in duration. My physician thinks I have Lyme.
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