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NEW EPISODE! Dr. Shoemaker on Episode #211 of the BetterHealthGuy Podcast!
New Episode! Dr. Shoemaker joins Scott on the BetterHealthGuy.com podcast to talk about the use of GENIE testing in Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
Surviving Mold Podcast Episode 4 With Larry Schwartz
Will a Flir one or pocket thermal camera help find mold in my home?
Surviving Mold Podcast Episode 5 With Michael Macione: Can you purchase mold medications at local pharmacies?
Learn why mold related illnesses require specialized medication with Michael Macione
Surviving Mold Podcast Episode 6- Michael Macione Joins us to discuss compound medication.
What happens once you're prescribed a compounded medication?
Episode 7 - What's really wrong with you? How data tells the real story: genomics.
Genomics: How genes can tell the true story of what's going on with your body and how most genomics test don't go far enough.