Intensification FAQ
4 Total Items
Question Volume 1
A patient has several exposures to WDB, history of asthma, allergies, Lyme, disabling daily migraines, fatigue, weight gain, body aches & extremely poor sleep &exercise tolerance ?pulmonary hypoperfusion? We have been getting labs and medical records, but yesterday after a large blood draw she experienced “the worse deep muscle pains, excruciating”? -Up all night, still bad. She started CSM 2 days ago. Finished your training videos at 0400 this AM–is this an intensified Herxheimer Rx due to her past hx of Lyme or worsening capillary hypoperfusion? Is there anything to treat Herx Rx besides the John Wayne approach? I have stopped the CSM as you said on the DVD. Now Switch to Welchol? CSM cream? Add Actos? Did I understand you to say Cialis and Viagra or Trental improve capillary hypoperfusion? I understand we are not to skip steps, so I am doing nothing but TLC until you say so, but I don’t even know if I’m on the right track. What is back so far: Failed VCS, MMP-9 =798; MARCoNS + with 6 resistant Antibiotics listed by DLM Penicillium species ID’d Gliadin (AGA) IgG = 25 (<11) Leptin 21 HgbA1c 5.2 Quest Lyme titer WNL; previous lab was Igenex (treated by Dr. Crist who you mentioned in your book.) So appreciate your help on this.
I am not clear here. The CSM was started before the draw? We usually draw blood and then start CSM. If there is an intensification reaction to CSM, the VCS score will show a fall in Column E followed by a fall in column D. MMP9 will rise the Day of intensification which usually occurs after 6-10 doses of CSM (need time for cytokine release and transcription for MMP9). Actos does beautifully to block intensification if started 5 days earlier as a run-up to CSM use. In order to get maximum benefit from the Actos, the patient needs to be off foods that are high on the glycemic index; my “no-amylose” diet is one I have used for 20 years. The weight loss book, Lose the Weight You Hate, available electronically on this website has a lot of detail on the diet.Question Volume 1
Not intentionally, but yes. Lab work was supposedly completed 9 days ago, but lab called about need a redraw some of them so she went again. Sx are easing now. We will do the run-up with Actos and the “No Amylose diet” before we try CSM again. She is also eliminating gluten. Thanks for your help.
I only eliminate gluten for those with (+) AGA. We send off TTG-IgA on all positives almost never finding true celiac. Low MSH adversely affects gut tremendously. If a person does better off gluten and is negative AGA, I won’t disrupt what they are doing, however. It usually takes three months or so of strict no-gluten to deal with AGA.Question Volume 1
Is there a standard dose for Actos if pre-treating before CSM?
Yes, I use 45 mg. Frequent small feedings of no-amylose foods help those who might feel woozy after the first dose. Blood sugar actually doesn’t fall too low with Actos but insulin effects can be enhanced. The no-amylose diet is in the book, Lose the Weight You Hate, found on this site in an electronic version. Given the recent concern about Actos and bladder cancer, I just can’t advocate its use any longer.Question Volume 3
I have been taking cholestyramine and have become much worse upon taking it 4 x a day and can only tolerate 2 x a day. Does this mean I have Post Lyme Syndrome?
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