Volume 2 FAQ
97 Total Items
Question Volume 2
I am being treated with intravenous medications for some time. Cognitively, I am better. I am told that these compounds will remove mycotoxins.
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Question Volume 2
Can long term CIRS cause renal impairment?
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Question Volume 2
Will a low Lyme load result in increased symptoms?
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Question Volume 2
Is the inflammatory response typically seen in post-Lyme patients due to a toxin or might there be compounds that are antigens that set off innate immune responses?
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Question Volume 2
Given that the HLA susceptibility for the Post Lyme Syndrome is 20%-25% of the normal population, are the other patients who get Lyme going to self-heal?
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Question Volume 2
What is the procedure for testing and treatment of dogs owned by patients with recurrent MARCoNS?
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Question Volume 2
What levels of moisture are safe?
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Question Volume 2
Do you think there is a strong relationship with mold and cancer?
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Question Volume 2
I am currently using VIP. Do you believe that using it longer than 2 years will still provide a benefit?
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Question Volume 2
Can cars be moldy creating illness the same as indoor environments?
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Question Volume 2
If I am exposed to Stachybotrys will I be sicker than if I were exposed to Aspergillus?
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Question Volume 2
My MSH was done by LabCorp using appropriate techniques. The value is reported at 160. What does this mean?
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Question Volume 2
I read that if a person has low MSH they will not tan well. Unfortunately, I am having the opposite effect. My skin is turning very dark. Is this related to MSH?
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Question Volume 2
Is MSH available in other countries?
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Question Volume 2
Are mycotoxins in food a concern?
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Question Volume 2
I am the mother of 3 young children, each of whom has undiagnosed problems such as seizures, high blood pressure and learning disabilities. Could these symptoms be related to exposure to a water-damaged building?
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Question Volume 2
My grandson has been exposed to black mold. He is being treated for asthma only. I am his caregiver and I am upset to see him doing poorly. What should I do?
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Question Volume 2
How do I treat my one and three year olds for their mold illness?
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Question Volume 2
Do you see any value in personal air ionizers or diffusing thieves’ oil in your indoor environment?
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Question Volume 2
Since I have moved out of moldy house, two of my four cats have died for unrelated reasons. One had congestive heart failure and the other had liver damage according to the attending veterinarian.
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