Volume 2 FAQ
97 Total Items
Question Volume 2
I have been ill since 2006. I have an appointment with a mold literate physician in 6 months. What should I do until then? My decline is rapid and I feel I need a more aggressive plan than waiting.
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Question Volume 2
I am diagnosed with Lyme and toxic mold. My doctor did a gene test and then started me on cholestyramine. I live in Hawaii.
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Question Volume 2
How long does exposure to water-damaged buildings have to occur before an individual develops CIRS?
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Question Volume 2
I have to move out of my moldy apartment to a new location. I am prepared to discard porous materials but my shoes and I are old friends and I am not sure what I can do to save them.
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Question Volume 2
I am a physician in Australia. I am following a cohort of 6 out of 7 women working in a bank who have had evidence of unexplained clotting. The building was confirmed to be contaminated. Patients have multiple health symptoms.
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Question Volume 2
We have had professional inspectors identify conditions in our rental home that are typical of a water-damaged building. We have multiple questions on what to do including remediation, avoidance of cross contamination and access to treatment.
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Question Volume 2
How long can patients stay on cholestyramine?
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Question Volume 2
I would like to begin an exercise program to help me get quickly. Is this a good idea?
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Question Volume 2
I have been treated with screws, rods and a metal plate in my neck. Could mold exposure cause a bacterial infection or a problem with the metal itself?
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Question Volume 2
Do you think we will see a genetic cure for chronic inflammatory response syndromes and mold illness in the next 25 years?
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Question Volume 2
Does CSM or Welchol bind to heavy metals?
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Question Volume 2
Is it necessary to purchase a HEPA air filter? What about a UV light? What about an ozone generator?
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Question Volume 2
My son has HLA DR 16-5-51. Does that mean he is not reactive to mold as someone else?
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Question Volume 2
Please clarify my haplotype
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Question Volume 2
Am I worse off if both my HLA haplotypes are mold susceptible?
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Question Volume 2
For a patient who takes hydrocortisone, is there a time during treatment when weaning off the drug can begin?
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Question Volume 2
Have you every observed that your patients had reached “a point of no return” that showed that MSH was at or near zero?
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Question Volume 2
Any information that you could offer (in layman’s terms) that might be helpful to this young man would be greatly appreciated. One of the students in my current Mold Remediation Technician class is 39 years old and has recently been diagnosed with Berger’s Disease – a non-curable kidney problem. The symptoms and diagnosis follow several years of work for a former employer who conducted mold remediation with the appropriate engineering controls to protect the occupants (they did most of their work in hospitals so they had to follow ICRA procedures), but with no suits or respiratory protection for their workers handling the moldy materials. He just had a sense that those unprotected activities and his disease onset are somehow connected even though the doctors tell him it is “genetic”. The one thing that he recalls from the discussion with his physician is that the doctor said he had an “IgA NEPHROPATHY"
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Question Volume 2
Will having living house plants or a live Christmas tree impact on presence of toxigenic fungi and other microbes in an indoor environment?
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Question Volume 2
Are there studies that review the difference in illness acquisition from indoor mold and outdoor mold?
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