Please Welcome our Newest Certified Physician Kellyn Milani , ND

Please Welcome our Newest Certified Physician Kellyn Milani , ND

In our quest to answer the most prevalent and difficult questions posed to Surviving Mold since its launch in 2010, we have initiated a program of certification for those doctors wanting to provide the latest and most effective care to patients suffering from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

The certification process has begun generating certified practitioners who have completed the one on one training with Dr. Shoemaker. We are proud to introduce our newest practitioner, Dr. Kellyn Milani!

Dr. Kellyn Milani is a naturopathic doctor who focuses on family health, biotoxin illness, and chronic illness.  She joined Dr. Thomson at Trillium Integrative Medicine in 2013 to continue her general practice and pursue additional experience with biotoxin illness.  She received her medical degree from Bastyr University and her clinical training in family medicine at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Milani is a member of the CNDA (California Naturopathic Doctor's Association), MANP (Montana Association of Naturopathic Physicians), and AANP (American Association of Naturopathic Physicians). She is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and primary care physician in the state of Montana and California. Dr. Milani is currently seeing patients at Trillium Integrative Medicine in Bozeman, Montana and Bukovina Naturopathic in Auburn, California.

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