Answers to your questions about… Practitioner Resources and Certification

Answers to your questions about… Practitioner Resources and Certification

Answers to your questions about…

Practitioner Resources and Certification


“Can my attending physician manage my CIRS case?”


“My doctor is willing to certify in your course. How can I help him?”


“Can I treat myself for mold illness?”


“Is the Shoemaker Protocol™ covered by insurance?


We continue to get unique, case-specific questions as well as common questions from our community friends, members, and physicians.


Here, we answer questions we’ve received from the community about Practitioner training and resources. These are all great questions because we believe the best recovery outcomes happen with a practitioner who is trained in the Shoemaker Protocol™, or at least will use the Surviving Mold practitioner resources, labs and order sheets, and consult with Dr. Shoemaker as needed.


CIRS/mold illness is a complex multi-system and symptom illness, and each case is similar, yet unique. Specifically following the Protocol, step by step, tailored to you, with proper medical oversight, is essential for optimal recovery. Your health is worth it.



1/ Training & Resources for your attending physician


Q: I saw 10 different physicians without benefit. My local doctor is willing to certify in your course. How can I help him?


A: Fortunately, we have an ever-enlarging number of physicians who have certified in treatment of CIRS. The site has Shoemaker Protocol™ Practitioner Lists who have their offices throughout the US, and even internationally.


Your local physician is welcome to begin the training process to learn about CIRS and the published Shoemaker Protocol™. The first level of training, the Proficiency Partners online program gives practitioners all the information they need to diagnose, run labs and tests, prescribe protocol medications, and treat CIRS/biotoxin illness patients, in a flexible, condensed format. They will also be able to network and review cases with the other Shoemaker Protocol™ trained partners and practitioners. There is a second certification level for practitioners who wish to deepen their knowledge and specialize in CIRS.


You and your physician can get started immediately, and he can continue to treat you as he undertakes the course.


See more resources below to get started with the process.



2/ Self-treating


QUESTION: Is it possible to self-treat using your protocol?


ANSWER: The Shoemaker Protocol™ employs lab tests and diagnostic procedures that must be ordered by a licensed health care professional. I do not agree that it is safe or effective for an individual to take on this task without a comprehensive medical understanding of the illness and the Shoemaker Protocol™. A trained expert offers invaluable methodology to specifically and strategically treat the multi-symptoms and systems affected in the individual. There are numerous Shoemaker Protocol™ trained and certified physicians and practitioners listed on this website.


The next best way to go is to point your attending physician to the Physician Resources, including specific labs and tests, listed on this site. There is no one pat test or medication that conquers this illness. Step one is removal from the unsafe environment, and/or remediating it.


See more resources below to help you and your practitioner get started with the process.



3/ Cost and availability of treatment resources


I have had multiple health symptoms since I was sickened following a Hurricane. My home developed very high levels of Aspergillus and Penicillium. I moved out and still remain ill. I have multiple lab abnormalities but as I am on disability this time, I do not have resources needed to access care.


ANSWER: The treatment protocols that I use are not expensive once you have been confirmed to be removed from exposure.


Most insurance companies will cover costs of cholestyramine or



I would suggest that you discuss your lab abnormalities with one of the Shoemaker Protocol™ physicians (see home page). I do not agree that avoiding treatment because of financial terms at this time is justified as your disability is bad enough; you do not need ongoing progression of CIRS to add more injury.


If you cannot physically go to a medical facility and get your labs done, look into your insured, disabled, or subsidized home health care options. You will need to have your labs drawn. Some tests such as a NeuroQuant must be done in a medical facility.


You can take the first diagnostic test and affordably check your progress from home with the online VCS screening.


Once you have found a way to have the necessary medical tests and labs administered, it’s possible to consult with most of the Shoemaker Protocol™ practitioners via telemedicine options.


You can also point your attending physician to the Shoemaker Protocol™ Physician Resources for reference.


4/ Insurance coverage


QUESTION: I have had my first patient that insurance refused to pay for the HLA DR by PCR. They are charging her $536 dollars, which is a lot for her. Does this happen often? Does insurance generally cover the Shoemaker Protocol™ tests and medications?


ANSWER: I would ask for the reason for denial of claim. Often a code isn’t transcribed right. It could be that you need a roster of medical necessity letters. My knowledge is limited to the US insurance system, and each insurance company has its own system and loopholes. Most insurance companies will cover costs of cholestyramine or Welchol and the labs and tests. Many practitioners work with insurance and have an understanding of how to best work with the providers for maximum coverage. It’s always best to have a conversation about insurance with your practitioner and your insurance company before you begin the Protocol for a general understanding of what to expect.







1/ Now Enrolling! The Shoemaker Protocol™ Proficiency Partners online training program is open to both prescribers and non-prescribers. Join the leading-edge team and learn everything you need to begin managing the complexities of CIRS/mold illness cases on your own schedule. The demand is high. Get started now and treat patients while you learn.


2/ If you think mold could be affecting you, check your symptoms and get started on the diagnosis pathway right now with The Shoemaker Protocol™ Quick Start guide.


3/ One of the initial diagnostic steps is taking the online VCS test. The VCS will check your symptoms and give you and immediate pass/fail with a printout for your physician.


4/ Physicians and health care professionals may be interested in the Shoemaker Protocol™ Essays on the site by the certified practitioners. The essays describe each step of the Shoemaker Protocol™ in the practitioners’ words.


5/ There are more “Physician Resources” located in a main category on the Surviving Mold Home Page, as well as testing and lab order sheets, which will give your physician an overview of the labs normally done to confirm whether or not you have been injured by indoor environments.

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