State of the Art Conference of CIRS-2 planning is picking up steam!

We are getting ready to close out our abstract submission window. Our deadline is June 13. If you are interested in submitting an abstract please contact Debbie Waidner, conference liaison. If you don’t have the email on conference abstract preparation, let Debbie know. Please take a look at our earlier flyer on conference registration too.
For those whose research isn’t quite done yet, or those who are working on talks that won’t be quite ready by 6/13, we will have late-breakers (brief talks) available for Sunday AM, but slots for longer talks are almost filled. Let Debbie know what your interests are!
A mark of the diversity (and excellence) of this conference is the speakers and the groups involved. From cutting edge genomics to informed patient presentations, we have it all. From research papers expanding the CIRS paradigm to an indoor air expert consensus, you will be able to enjoy a conference like no other I have attended in 25 years. And that is a promise.
The conference begins on Thursday afternoon, 11/12/15 with a State of the Art discussion of the Role of Genomics and Diagnosis of CIRS and other illnesses of the 21st Century. Dr. James Ryan will present elements of his ground breaking research. This afternoon session will be invaluable to all of us and frankly if this afternoon is all you have time to attend, you will be fulfilled.
On Friday the 13th recognized CIRS experts, Scott McMahon, MD; Mary Ackerley MD; Keith Berndtson, MD; David Mark, PhD and Ritchie Shoemaker MD will present discussions on research in CIRS of tremendous clinical application. The afternoon session will be again cutting edge with discussion from Larry Schwartz, Michael Schrantz, Vince Neil and Greg Weatherman, all leading the way to a new state of the art approach to indoor air quality evaluation needed to make homes and buildings safe. This will be another session that you do not want to miss. Take notes, ask questions and watch the video later!
On Saturday, we have four separate sessions beginning with perspectives of Family Nurse Practitioners (Chair: Paula Vetter, FNP), followed by that of naturopaths (Chair: Robin Thomson, ND). In the afternoon we have a special address by Patti Schmidt focusing on psychosocial issues in surviving CIRS patients speaking (Chair: Patty Velletri) followed by a special afternoon session with Mr. David Wise, distinguished plaintiff attorney from Fairfax, Virginia. He will be focusing on legal aspects of personal injury acquired from water-damaged buildings. He will also show us how to do presentation of an expert for acceptance and then (unfortunately for Scott McMahon), sample cross examination of an opposing expert in an effort to discredit their opinion. Good luck Scott! Mary Ackerley will likely be treated better as she will be “qualified” to testify under Mr. Wise’s questioning.
If you think that you are injured by your moldy building, workplace, home or school, and someone else is responsible, you need to know how mold cases are won and lost. We have the nuts and bolts for you. Don’t miss it.
Each session will have a question and answer panel so bring your note cards (or use ours) to make sure you are clear on what is accurate and what is not in the world of human health and water-damaged buildings.
On Sunday, our focus will be on NeuroQuant, VIP and genomics mixed in with case presentations and late breakers. There will be a panel discussion from experienced clinicians.
EXTRAS: We look forward to the keynote address of Dr. Mary Ackerley to be presented on Friday night. If you have heard her speak on “Brain on Fire,” you will know we are in for a treat. The keynote dinner is ticketed separately; there is a limited number of seats available so don’t wait. Sign up now.
There will be a series of side trips for those coming for the conference. Check out our registration website for more information. The Cardinals are in town later on Sunday afternoon. Football season is just around the corner.
Each speaker will be on-site after his/her presentation for one-on-one discussion.
VENDORS: We have invited a select group of vendors to share with us their particular areas of expertise. One reviewer said our vendors were the most qualified he has seen. You be the judge.
Something tells me that there will be a sponsored “Meet the Faculty” get together one night. We are looking at nearby specialty restaurants for Thursday and Saturday night. We will send invitations to the first 150 registrants to join our faculty for informal give and take.
We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!
Featured Resources for Community
NEW EPISODE! Dr. Shoemaker on Episode #211 of the BetterHealthGuy Podcast!
New Episode! Dr. Shoemaker joins Scott on the podcast to talk about the use of GENIE testing in Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
Shoemaker Protocol™ Quick Start:
The 3 initial steps to determine if mold is affecting you One of the most common questions we hear is, “how do I know if I have mold illness?” Rest assured, if you’re asking this question, you’ve come to the right place.
The Surviving Mold Gift List
Give the precious gift of health with 7 downloadable, last minute, last forever, CIRS safe gifts. (Or share the whole list with someone you care about.)
The EnviroBiomics laboratory collaborates with environmental and medical experts, including Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, who make crucial decisions about the indoor environment that have an impact on the health of our communities.
Our Daughter with CIRS is thriving at College! A Featured Story from the Surviving Mold Community
As we head into fall and back to school, the new season ahead can bring new activities, new schools, new friends… and new water damaged buildings (WDBs).