Mold problems and health concerns got 'Band-Aid solution' from SUNO, critics say

Mold problems and health concerns got 'Band-Aid solution' from SUNO, critics say

By Jed Lipinski, | The Times-Picayune 

This is the second part of a three-part series.

After Hurricane Katrina destroyed Southern University at New Orleans' library and its nearly 1 million volumes, the remaining 100 or so books were moved to a single FEMA trailer. Three more trailers were added as its collection was restocked.

Shatiqua Mosby-Wilson, the library's director, worked in the trailers for years. By 2009, she was getting sinus infections and seemed unable to kick a cold, she said. When the state conducted an air quality test in her office, they found a possible culprit: formaldehyde. 

Read the rest of the article here.

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