Week of December 18, 2023

Week of December 18, 2023

1/ Allergies:

QUESTION: Does actinos cause or exasperate allergies? I am passing the VCS but actinos and HERTSMI-2 were both high and my allergies are still bad. Do I spray Fantastik on the walls?

ANSWER: Actinos do not exacerbate allergies. No need to use Fantastik to eradicate if the only problem is allergy.  

2/ Alpha MSH

QUESTION: If someone were to use Alpha MSH as a peptide, what would approximate physiologic dose look like?

ANSWER: This peptide is strictly outlawed for use by the FDA. 

3/ Amylose:

QUESTION: Can you explain biochemically why amylose is counterproductive?

ANSWER: Amylose is important because of its consumption releases a bolus of sugar that drives insulin production. In case of insulin resistance, amylose is extraordinarily hard to clear but the diet eliminates wheat, rice, oats, barley and rye as well as vegetables that grow below the ground is not unduly restrictive.

3/ EDTA/Sense of smell

QUESTION: I have been prescribed EDTA colloidal nasal spray for two months which successfully eradiated MARCoNS but my sense of smell has changed for the worse. If I smell at all, the smell is all the same whether it is a bathroom smell or gourmet food. Will this abate as I have stopped the silver spray?

ANSWER: Yes. We have not seen persistent side effects of the silver spray causing dysgeusia but there is a first for everything. Simple removal from exposure is the first step for reversal.

4/ Autonomic nerve system dysfunction:

QUESTION: What is the percentage of patients who have autonomic nervous system dysfunction and MSH suppression but have normal NeuroQuant scans?

ANSWER: I would be interested to know what your diagnostic criteria are autonomic nervous system dysfunction. MSH suppression, as you mentioned, will not guarantee autonomic nervous system dysfunction. If you have CIRS, NeuroQuant is rarely normal.

5. Cigarettes:

QUESTION: I was exposed to cigarette smoke from my neighbors down blow for 6-years. Now my immune system is compromised. I think I have CIRS.

ANSWER: The problem is easy enough to determine that you follow the case definition for CIRS. The online Visual Contrast Sensitivity test (VCS) would be of help and is available on the Surviving Mold website. That includes not just a VCS but exposure history and symptom roster.

While cigarette smoke will not cause CIRS, I would be more worried about indoor environment of water-damaged buildings.

6/ hydrocortisone:

QUESTION: I just diagnosed a patient with CIRS and has secondary adrenocorticoid insufficiency with a cortisol of 1 and ACTH of 6. Would you be against physiologic replacement of hydrocortisone for 3-6 months?

ANSWER: Yes, ACTH will reset though I understand the alarm created by cortisol of 1.