2018 Conference Replay FRIDAY May 4, 2018 ONLY

2018 Conference Replay FRIDAY May 4, 2018 ONLY

Save the date for streaming! The 4th annual CIRS conference "Cutting Edge in Science and Medicine of CIRS," will be held Friday May 4-Sunday May 6, 2018, The conference features experts in differential gene activation and inflammation (transcriptomics of CIRS), New concepts in evaluation of water-damaged buildings including contaminant inflammagen cloud, actinomycetes, endotoxins as well as specialty discussion from indoor environmental experts.

Schedule Available Here


Also featured is the new CIRS Consensus Statement, accepted for publication in Internal Medicine Review. In a paper soon to be published, Drs. Scott McMahon and Jennifer Smith present the break-through findings demonstrating that the unusual pediatric disease (Pediatric Associated Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) is actually a CIRS. 

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