Frequently Asked Questions - Volumes 1-7 EBOOKS

Frequently Asked Questions - Volumes 1-7  EBOOKS Frequently Asked Questions Volumes 1-7

A collection of questions from patients and physicians with answers by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.




"Beginning in 2011, a Physicians Section of Survivingmold provided a forum for discussion of

issues regarding mold, Lyme, chronic inflammatory response syndromes and more. Part of the

forum included a dialogue on questions that have importance for physicians and patients alike.

We have extracted a number of the questions/answers and present them for your review in

these pages. We readily acknowledge that these questions do not create an encyclopedic

review of all topics in these illnesses.


We have tried to make the language understandable but some sections are a bit technical. We

decided to leave in most of the words of the physicians, as learning the jargon of these complex

illnesses is a hurdle that must be cleared. We hope the dialogue will accomplish that task.

We would like to develop a similar forum for patients, but wonder if readers will agree that

such a forum made a lot of sense. To us, the idea could be an effective tool to share

information but we are asking for your input. Please let us know if these questions and answers

are helpful.


Thank you for your participation

The staff of"

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