Post Remediation
A physician writes asking for advice for a patient with mold susceptible HLA; positive VCS; low VEGF; high C4a; high TGF beta-1; high MMP-9; ADA/osmolality dysregulation and cortisol dysregulation.
His prior home was moldy and thorough cleaning was not provided as part of his remediation. He plans to move shortly but wonders what to do about additional remediation before he moves.
The question becomes one of finances. As long as he stays in the moldy home he will have reduction in the rate of improvement using CSM alone. He can compensate with increasing exhaust of indoor air outdoors combined with HEPA filtration to improve his possibility to have minor beneficial changes in his health. I would not institute subsequent steps of the 11-step protocol until he is out of the house. The cost of remediation when done in a rush can become excessive easily.
Featured Resources
Are window air conditioners safe to use?
Are Window Air Conditioners Safe to Use?
CIH, Referral
Please recommend someone to do mold inspections for me in the Washington, D.C. area.
Post Remediation Part 2
Are all the following textiles ones that can not be cleaned?