Keeley Nicholas BDS. MFGDP(UK), MSc. IFMCP. mBANT. CNHC. - Proficiency Partners Diplomate

Keeley is passionate about healthy living, nourishing the body and mind, and empowering individuals to live life well. She witnesses incredible transformations as her clients restore their health, become well, lose weight, regain energy, reverse diabetes, become pain free and restore fertility and cognitive function. Keeley remains passionate in her desire to empower as many people as possible to start listening to their own body, and to take positive actions to acquire and maintain the very best of health.

For many, a path into healthcare is often preceded by one’s own ill-health, and desire to find answers, and resolve symptoms. In Keeley’s case it was her mum’s diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 41, which triggered a desire to ‘cure the sick’ and encouraged Keeley to pursue a career in healthcare, dentistry in her case – curing sick teeth!

However, the drive to study a master’s degree in Nutritional Therapy and subsequently as a Functional Medicine Practitioner was instigated when Keeley’s younger sister became ill. Having a medical background Keeley felt she should be able to help her sister, dig deep into current research, provide the answers, and see her recover. Instead, she watched helplessly as Clair deteriorated, eventually to be diagnosed with MS.

Keeley was dismayed by the reactive rather than preventive traditional healthcare approach and felt that there was so much more that could be implemented as means of prevention.

Much of the focus of dentistry is on prevention. Regular routine dental appointments aim to identify early signs of dental disease, offer advice, support and early treatment, but a similar level of screening is not afforded to the rest of the body. Without regular screening the only way of identifying possible failure of function is worsening symptoms.

Symptoms are our body’s way of communicating to us something is wrong, but we have become disconnected. We are busy and distracted. We accept diarrhoea, bloating, constipation, skin disorders, hot flushes, anxiety, poor cognition and pain. We assume that as we age deterioration will occur, so we do not seek help or support to rectify these conditions. Or we may have been told that nothing further can be done to help, but often this is not the case.

“Identifying and addressing the root causes of your symptoms is the ‘magic’ of Nutritional Therapy. You do not have to accept your current ill health. If you want to feel well ……reach out so we can take your hand and guide you to optimal health.’

Keeley lives in rural Worcestershire, with her daughter Freya (now at University), Daisy the cat, and two crazy chickens. Her loves include Pilates, sunshine, running, skiing, great food and coffee. As a keen Yoga fanatic, she continues to work towards her annual challenge to do the splits….. it’s a work in progress!

Contact Information

01905 671 073

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