Week of March 25, 2024

Week of March 25, 2024

1/ Cold Sensitivity:


Q: I suffer from extreme cold sensitivity, even when it isn’t cold. The symptoms went away after remediation but has come back worse than ever. Is this a symptom of CIRS?


A: Cold intolerance is commonly seen in patients with low MSH. 



2/ Gardening:


Q: Since being diagnosed with CIRS, I am unable to garden. Anytime I work in the dirt if makes me sick. Is it normal for CIRS patients to not be able to garden or dig in the dirt?


A: It is unlikely that working in the dirt will make you ill even if you have CIRS. If you are an organic gardener and have lots of compost, that may be the source of the trouble for you. 



3/ Genie:


Q: My Genie showed a positive test for HIF1A. My physician has requested that I have an echocardiogram performed. What will the echo show?


A: HIF1A is a crucial transcriptionally active gene that is elevated in the case of reduced oxygen or hypoxia. In the absence of hypoxia, its greater use is to show pulmonary hypertension. The algorithm used to calculate pulmonary artery pressure depends of the velocity of the tricuspid regurgitation seen on four separate views during an echocardiogram. If velocity is below 2 meters per second, the changes that this is pulmonary hypertension is greatly reduced.


4/ HLA:

Q: Do children who have the mold gene usually have the same exact sequence as the parent they inherited it from or does each family member usually all have different sequences?


A: HLA is passed on from parent to children. Each allele can be shown to come from mother or father. The sequences from mother and father are the same in parents as in the children who are

their offspring. 


5/ Inheritance of 4-3-53 Gene


Q: When one has the 4-5-53 sequence, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your parents have it too, right?


A: The 4-3-53 gene sequence is inherited. A patient with 4-3-53 could have received it from a biological mother or biological father.


Also see question #5 above for more information.


6/ 4-3-53 percentages


Q: Of the 25% of the population that has the mold gene, what percentage of that 25% has the 4-3-53 sequence?


A: The percentage for 4-3-53 is 3% of the population. 


7/ Cheek swab testing vrs blood test


Q: I read that Dr. Shoemaker said he doesn’t have experience with the cheek swab HLA gene test but he recommends the blood test as being accurate.


A: We have tested swab verses blood several times in the last 25-years. It’s less about experience with and more about establishing the most complete, effective, and credible testing method for a valid CIRS diagnosis.