Purchase VCS Online Screening Tests

Purchase VCS tests by completing the 5 quick steps.

  • 1.  Surviving Mold Login

    We must associate the VCS test to a secure login so that only you can access it. If you are new to Surviving Mold, provide your email address and password and we will create an account for you. If you already have an account, please login using the Login form below.

  • 2.  Number of VCS Tests to Purchase

    Purchased VCS Tests will never expire and will reside in your account until you use them.

  • 3.  Billing Information

    This address must match the address that your monthly credit card statement or monthly bank statement is sent to. If this condition is not met, your order will not be processed. To prevent unnecessary delays, please verify before ordering.

  • 4.  Credit Card Information

    All credit card information is secure, encrypted upon submission (see https), and used only for this transaction.

  • 5.  Disclaimer

    By purchasing these tests you acknowledge you have read the following disclaimer.

    I understand the computerized version of the VCS test is a screening test and is not used to diagnose any condition. The test needs to be performed at a distance of 18" from the computer screen to your eye, performed one eye covered and one eye open (monocular vision) at a time. Your visual acuity must be better than 20:50. The illumination in the room should be 70 foot-lamberts (fluorescent or incandescent lighting directed onto the computer screen will do). We cannot control the contrast on your computer; please use the sharpest contrast setting you have.

    If you are concerned about the possibility of a biotoxin associated illness you will need to be examined by a physician experienced in the field. We recommend your VCS testing results be validated for you by use of a hand held VCS test performed by a trained examiner.